Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I CAN STOP SMOKING.It is possible, if u devlop a posivite thought process and are firm in ur decision.Don't be misguided by thinking of people who lived for 80 years and smoked like a chimney or the man who just died when he quit smoking etc. Instead, read up the benefits are scientifically validated. U will find ur motivation to quit.
Risk of heart attack deacreases by 50 % within 24 hours of quitting smoking,due to reverasal of nicotines effects. Brain aneurysm goes down by 30-50%.Lung cancer decreases by 80-90%.Within 3 months of quiting ,smoker's cough disappears in most cases.
When u pick up a cigarette, just ask urself why u r smoking.
If u think of stopping, do it now .Don't postpone.
Go 4 dental clean up,
DEEP BREATHING,STRECHING, EXERCISE,eg; walking and yoga will defenetily help u .
Buy a candy and chew it,TRY.TRY.. KEEP TRYING

Must read

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